назад в Стишки
stagger lee и Badman
red fox jumping over lazy dog
and lazy dog shakings his empty bone
u'll try to see but see the fog
ya life is wind. u'r rolling stone
stagger lee

we all must die u know? me dunno
unnoble ritters dancin gather round
fir u my bro this song of turn on
ditto babe 
roll these cd's 
here me found
stagger lee

u'wanna bueno viaggio 
por qoui? le cien years es ego 
por morir o ser du poir
fur Elise es cd's ya must oir

big apple is down
fall down as the angels full of worms
d'u like to take a shoes of clown?
who's yawnin in the point of storms? 
stagger lee

wanna best vacation
if vages blow up ya vallet
ya kids in education 
fall in life as the bullit
falling into fallen face
yeah badman just a race
just a race for better place. 
stagger lee

no way! no way mister death
take ya jack and fuck off here
hate ya steps i beat ya bet
u have no right be near
vine in me body
wind in me mind
fuck off old buddy
need no ya aid
stagger lee

nevermore and nevermind
keep away that you just find.
ya see you grave in
forever and ever, yours cold raven

listen, listen if you have the ears
d'u remember all ya years?
when u was a little boy,
take my think - u was a toy.
now u cool-good-great-big-bad...
poor lad 
stagger lee

ya don't have the ear(s)
ya cannot take your think
here on the Earth(s)
ya can just drink (not think)
that is a slit
my poor adult 

u'll never be so cruel
ok i need a rest. 
ok i need a fuel
i wanna bur op all my nest.
dictruction is my totem
erasure life my wish
u hangin on my modem
u hanged as a fish
stagger lee

ok i lost. the glory is in your frolicsome hand
and this just is because i cannot understand
why (or how) your personal "fuel"
needs so in my questionable "cruel"
maybe someone can say me: u're right!
however all i may say u now: have a very good night 

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